We have listed various services that patients can self-refer to without the need to see a GP or Nurse. You can normally self-refer by phone, attend a drop in clinic or by completing a self-referral form which you can send via email or post to the service of your choice.
As soon as you have a positive pregnancy test, you can now refer yourself directly for maternity care Hospital within the South Eastern HSC Trust.
Please complete the form below and email it to the relivant address. Upon receipt, midwives will arrange the first booking appointment for you, and also notify your GP of your pregnancy.
Click here for the Self-Referral Form
If you have any queries regarding this form or if you have not received an appointment by the 12th week of your pregnancy please phone:
Ulster Maternity: (028) 9056 1364
Lagan Valley Midwifery Led Unit: (028) 9263 3534
Downe Midwifery Led Unit: (028) 4461 6995
Please return via email your completed form to:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
ONLINE FORM The form can be completed and submitted via the website: www.belfasttrust.hscni.net/service/musculoskeletal-physio-outpatients
PDF FORM A printable version of the self-referral form is available to download at: www.belfasttrust.hscni.net/service/musculoskeletal-physio-outpatients
WHAT IS SELF-REFERRAL This is a new way for people to access our service. It allows you to refer yourself for physiotherapy assessment and treatment without having to see your GP first.
WHO CAN SELF-REFER? If you are living in the Belfast Trust area, you are over 16 years of age, you have a neck/back problem, a joint/muscle pain or a recent injury such as a sprain then you can self-refer.
WHY SHOULD YOU SELF-REFER? Self-referral provides you with an easier route into the physiotherapy service. It allows you to receive a timely consultation with a physiotherapist who will provide you with the support and guidance you need to help you manage your condition/injury and get you back to doing the things that matter to you.
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE RECEIVE YOUR REFERRAL? Upon receipt of your referral you will receive a confirmation email or a confirmation letter (depending on how you sent your form). Your form will then be reviewed and triaged by a senior physiotherapist. If we need further information from you we will contact you using the details provided on your form. Your referral will then be added to the waiting list. You will be contacted by letter or telephone to invite you to attend an appointment.
HOW CAN YOU HELP YOURSELF WHILE YOU WAIT FOR AN APPOINTMENT? Please see the self-management advice section on our website: www.belfasttrust.hscni.net/service/musculoskeletal-physio-outpatients/
Please note that self-referral is not a fast track access to the Physiotherapy service, your referral will be categorised on the same basis as referrals from GPs and other sources. By submitting the form below, you are consenting to the physiotherapy service updating your GP once your physiotherapy care is finished. This is in line with current best practice. This referral option is not available if you require a home-based appointment, are under the care of a consultant for this problem, or if you have neurological / respiratory / continence conditions. If you have Pregnancy related pain please ask your GP/Midwife to direct you to the appropriate service.