Please contact the Practice for further information on proxy access regarding close family members, carers, parents or nursing home staff, and if we provide this service.
- Online systems may allow proxy access where a third party, who may or may not be registered with the practice, to be given login details to have online access to the patients’ transactional services and/or record. This can be very useful in certain circumstances
- If the patient chooses to share access to their online GP account with someone else (their proxy), there are advantages for the patient if the practice gives the proxy their own login credentials including a separate password
- The GP record may contain very sensitive information that they wish to keep private. Even the prescribing record may reveal confidential information about them. The patient should check through their entire online record to ensure that there is nothing there that they would not want their proxy to see. Patients must have complete trust in anyone who they allow to have access to their online account. If they are in any doubt they should not share, or they should ask the practice to redact any sensitive data where it is possible
- The practice will also be able to ensure that the proxy has all the information about how make good use of online access, including how to keep it secure, the implications of data quality and for parents, the practice policy about parental responsibility and the competence of young people to make their own decisions about who can access their record
- There are many circumstances where this can be helpful. It may be convenient for someone else to book appointments or request prescriptions for them. It may help a carer understand and help to manage their health
- Online access for the proxy to allow a proxy to do one or more of the following: Book and cancel appointments, Order repeat prescriptions, *access test results (*please check with your Practice regarding this facility).
- Patients must protect their login details so that nobody else can gain access to their record
- Passwords should be easy to remember orstored in a safe place, such as an encrypted password app. They should not be based on something that is easy to guess
- If you lose the details or suspect that someone else has seen them, you should change their password immediately and inform the practice
- Use a password, PIN or fingerprint or face recognition system to protect access to a private computer, tablet or smartphone that they use to access their online access
- Log out of their browser when they have finished using online access, especially if they have used a public computer
- Ensure that nobody can see your record on the screen over their shoulder while they are accessing their GP online account
- Take precautions to avoid cyberattack, using antivirus software, an effective firewall and safe internet browsing whenever possible
- The patient must keep and dispose of all information that they download or print from their record securely
- People with visual impairment, who use audio electronic readers need to be careful to avoid being overheard, especially in public places