If you have a long term health condition your GP will decide if it is appropriate for you to have a Key Information Summary record (KIS) completed.
Health Care staff treating you in Northern Ireland will then be able to consult your KIS for details about your health including relevant medical history and any wishes you may have about your treatment including end of life care.
Information about a patient
Your KIS record will include:
- relevant medical history, including any long term conditions
- agencies involved with you
- list of care plans or self-management plans
- your preferred treatment arrangements
- resuscitation status
- Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment (ADRT) in place
Accessing your KIS
Your Key Information Summary record will be held at your GP Practice and will only be shared with other Health Care Professionals involved in your care if you agree to this.
Your GP will ask for your consent for your Key Information Summary to be shared in NIECR.